4-Car Phone Holder Options For New Zealand
Car phone holders are a wonderful way to keep your hands free your ears. But they also have their downside, as you would expect. These are a fact of life, and people take advantage of the accessories available for the car but there are some that can help prevent theft.
One great thing about these holders is that they fit so well in your car. You can put one up, pick up the phone and use it from there. They are also very practical as the phone doesn’t slide around as much as it would if you had a purse style phone holder.
In New Zealand there are several options for this type of accessory. Let’s look at the top three.
The first option is the seatbelt to hold the phone in the car. This is something that is included with many models of phones, but it is often too heavy to be able to do this. So, with the seats so close, you may find that you can easily get a phone in your pocket, not leaving room for anything else.
The second is to get a belt, which has a strap with a handle and a hand grip on it. This is a lot more convenient but not ideal for a car holder as you don’t always have an ample amount of space to even set the phone down.
The third best is to just add a strap. This will come in handy when the seat is up. Then the phone can be placed in your lap or the back of the seat, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
The third option is a bit more complicated in New Zealand, but it also can be more convenient. It comes in two types, one of which uses a locking device that can keep your phone safe even if the person who was going to take it stole your car.
It comes with a device that will work with the car’s key lock. So, when you get in, the holder will lock with the key and the phone won’t go anywhere without your approval. There is an important safety feature with this type of solution because it works by using two of the keys.
It will lock and unlock from both cars and there is no need to switch between keys, thus taking out the element of surprise. It is very simple to use and it is hard to gain access to your car when the keys aren’t in the right settings.
The fourth option is the same as the other two, it is a car holder that does not lock with the car’s key. This is for those who do not have any extra keys and don’t want to carry around a safe, like the one above.
It is a nice option if you live somewhere where thieves don’t seem to be able to get into your car, and they can’t get out either. It is also ideal for someone who wants a cell phone for long drives.
The most expensive of these options is the one in New Zealand. It is a complete holder that works by magnetizing to the car’s door so the phone will stay secure even with a lot of weight on the outside of the car.