What do the Greens Really Want?

Legalising Cannabis will make some people’s escapism legal, but at a price that is way too high according to those who work with at risk youth. On the flip side, securing the Kermadec deal would have been a great legacy and moral victory for a Party supposedly focussed on saving the endangered.

If that’s not enough to make one question the actual beliefs of the Greens, then comes their call for a referendum! This from a party who wanted no part in the previous CIRs calling for fewer MPs and rejecting the Bradford bill.

For the sake of consistency and fairness, the Conservative Party calls on the Greens to first make Citizens’ Initiated Referenda binding, and then go out and collect the 300,000 plus signatures required to see a referendum go to the ballot.

Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen as history has shown that the Greens only want to hear the people’s voice if it agrees with their own philosophies. Not a great form of democracy really.

Democracy? Yeah Right!

Leighton Baker, Conservative Party NZ Leader. In another blow to democracy, Trevor Mallard has taken it upon himself to change parliament’s opening prayer.

While there may be some who would welcome the change, surely even they must realise that allowing MPs to change things without, or before, consultation, is opening the way for power abuse. Removal, or for that matter any changes made to Parliament’s opening prayer should be put to the people for consultation.

It has been nine long, cold years for Labour in opposition.  Their promotion to Government is not a license to do what they will, but a trust given them, by the people, to govern with honesty, diligence, and in respect of the wishes of the people.

“With no upper house, or any way of holding Government to account between elections, the Conservative Party calls on the Honorable Winston Peters to keep his word and make Referenda binding, ensuring such matters are put to referenda so the people are heard,” says Leighton Baker, Party Leader.

Conservative Party to Get New Name.

Leighton Baker, Leader of the Conservative Party.

Members of the Conservative Party of New Zealand voted to look at a name change at the party’s AGM held in Auckland in November.

Although all smaller parties had poor results this election, it was the belief of many members that a new name would encourage people to look at the positive, practical policies that the party presents.

Members are currently presenting their suggestions to the board, who hope to have the new name registered early next year.

“There is definitely a desire for a practical, solutions based party in Parliament, and we believe that we can represent that choice,” said Party Leader, Leighton Baker.

The current Conservative Party website will remain active until the new name and new website are released next year.

End Poverty with Marijuana?

Leighton Baker, Party Leader. The Greens’ promise to end poverty has just suffered a terminal, self inflicted injury, by pushing to legalise marijuana.

A massive study published in Aug 2016 in the US Journal of Drug Issues found that the proportion of marijuana users who smoke daily has rapidly grown, and that many of those frequent users are poor and lack a high-school diploma.

Examining a decade of federal surveys of drug use conducted between 2002 and 2013, study authors Steven Davenport and Jonathan Caulkins paint one of the clearest pictures yet of the demographics of current marijuana use in the U.S.

“Consumption is highly concentrated among the smaller number of daily & near-daily users, and they tend to be less educated, less affluent, and less in control of their use.”

Americans of all ages with a household income of less than $20,000 accounted for 29 percent of all marijuana use but represent just 19 percent of the total adult population.

The concentration of use among poorer households means that many marijuana users are spending a high proportion of their income on their marijuana habit. Users who spend fully one quarter of their income on weed account for 15 percent of all marijuana use.

If a genuine effort is too be made to reduce poverty, then the causes of poverty like family breakdown and poor education need to be addressed. Both practical experience and research show that legalising harmful substances will not reduce poverty, The Conservative Party believes that good relationship education, early trade streaming and stable housing are real ways to reduce poverty.


The Conservatives were born from a growing frustration amongst voters from the right, left and anywhere in-between who felt abandoned and betrayed by the Government they had voted for.


  • Both National and Labour have abandoned principle for self-interest.
  • No-one in the Conservatives is a career politician. We are teachers, policemen, business men and women, farmers and parents. We will bring fresh thinking to Wellington.
  • If we’re elected, our role will be to keep the Government honest and on a short leash.
  • Our role will be to give the Government a backbone; to give them the support they need to make the tough calls.
  • Our role is to make sure this Government listens to you and follows the instructions of the majority.
With your help we’ll make them do just that in 2017. We need your electorate vote and your party vote. We need you to stand beside us and send them a message loud and clear.

The Great Kiwi Poll- results now out! 16th Mar 2017

PRESS RELEASE 16th March 2017

A new political poll carried out by the Conservative Party finds Labour’s new deputy Jacinda Ardern could potentially carry Labour to victory if she took over from Andrew Little as leader.

The poll, carried out between 8th and 15th March, asked a sample of nearly 1200 people how they would vote if an election were held today, then asked them a surprise follow-up question: “If Jacinda Ardern was Labour leader instead of Andrew Little, which party would you vote for if an election were held today?”

Astoundingly, in that scenario, Labour moved into top spot in the poll, more than three percentage points clear of National – a clear signal that this year’s election could become a close-fought race.

Conservative Party leader Leighton Baker says although the poll was carried out online among a pool of social media users, the results are statistically valid as they measure a voting shift within the survey sample itself if the opportunity came to vote for an Ardern-led Labour Party.

“Online polls are normally treated more skeptically because their samples are less random than standard phone polls, but findings of attitudinal shifts within such polls are valid because they measure changes within the same survey sample.

“In this case we were stunned to find that a promotion of Jacinda Ardern to the leadership of Labour saw the party move from four percentage points behind National to three percentage points in front. An Ardern-led Labour took votes away from National and NZ First, although the Greens were hardest hit by the prospect of Jacinda Ardern.”

Baker says the trend of a swing to Jacinda emerged on day one after the first 200 votes were in, and remained at almost the same ratio right through the next six days of the poll. He noted it is the first poll to actually pose the question about Ardern’s impact as a potential leader, but he was also surprised to see how active on social media NZ First supporters are.

“Being an online poll we took certain precautions to prevent repeat voting, such as allowing only one vote per IP address for the duration of the poll, and using a separate URL – www.thegreatkiwipoll.com – to keep the poll unbranded, but right from the start there was a clear lead for National and also a surprisingly strong challenge by NZ First to the Andrew Little-led Labour team.

“Question one actually found NZ First in second place, ahead of Labour in third, if an election were held today. Now I don’t believe for a minute that Andrew Little’s support is as low as 20% or that Winston’s support is running as high in the general population as the 21% share his party records in this poll, but it may well be higher than the 11% support ordinary phone polls are recording, and that may illustrate a weakness of phone polls which have traditionally surveyed landline users, whereas Gen X and Millennials are more likely to be on smartphones and social media. It may also indicate that Winston’s followers are more motivated than Labour and National supporters, which should be a warning to the major parties.

“Our poll found a level of support for the Conservative Party at more than 4%, and that’s a pretty accurate reflection of the core conservative support over the past couple of decades in various forms. They are not finding it in the landline polls, but we know our support is higher than the landline polls indicate.”

Leighton Baker says there are other questions in the Conservative Party poll that transcend tribal political allegiances and whose sheer margins make them statistically valid as well.

“We wanted to take the pulse of kiwis on some pretty big issues. We found 70% support for Binding Citizens’ Initiated Referenda, which shows there is massive cross-party support from New Zealand voters for making politicians accountable.

“BCIR is a core policy of the Conservative Party. If we form part of the next coalition, we will make sure governments respect the wishes of the people from now on,” says Baker. “You have my word on it.

“Another big finding is that 79% of those sampled reject the philosophy of globalism and supreme international law. This shows New Zealanders have the same concerns that gave rise to Brexit in the UK and Trump in the USA. Political parties and the media ignore this at their peril. This poll result shows a massive majority of kiwis from across the political spectrum share the same concerns as Conservatives do, and those concerns can no longer be swept aside and dismissed. New Zealanders want control of their country to ultimately remain in voters’ hands, not be delegated away to the UN and international treaties.”

Baker says the party will carry out more polling on other major issues in the next few weeks.

With a sample size of almost 1,200, the margin of error is 3%.

The full results of the new poll are being published on the Conservative Party Facebook page and its website, and follow below.

Results for ‘1. If an election were held today, which party would you most likely vote for?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


12 Feb 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:




4.2% / 49

Conservative NZ

4.7% / 55


15.4% / 181


19.7% / 232


0.3% / 4


23.7% / 279

NZ First

21.0% / 247

United Future

0.4% / 5

Not sure

6.6% / 78


4.1% / 48

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 1,178

Results for ‘2. Which main party leadership team would be most competent to run the country?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


02 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To: Or:



National’s Bill English & Paula Bennett

40.2% / 453

Labour’s Andrew Little & Jacinda Ardern

40.3% / 455

Not sure

19.5% / 220

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 1,128


Results for ‘3. Which main party leadership team would you personally prefer to run the country?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


02 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:



National’s Bill English & Paula Bennett

39.0% / 399

Labour’s Andrew Little & Jacinda Ardern

43.5% / 445

Not sure

17.6% / 180

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 1,024



Results for ‘4. Which of the following best describes New Zealand’s elected politicians?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


02 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:



They respect the wishes of the people

9.9% / 95

They don’t respect the wishes of the people

33.8% / 326

They act as if they are Elite

33.2% / 320

I’m happy with our political establishment

23.1% / 223

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 964


 Results for ‘5. Do you think the Brexit was:’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


02 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:



A classic case of people power bringing politicians to heel

48.9% / 474

A big mistake

36.9% / 358

Not sure

14.2% / 138

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 970


Results for ‘6. Would you like to see New Zealand politicians compelled to respect the public’s wishes on controversial policies if expressed in a binding referendum?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


03 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:




70.4% / 675


20.4% / 196

Not sure

9.2% / 88

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 959


Results for ‘7. Do you support the globalist ideal of countries increasingly giving up national sovereignty under international law, or do you think the public should continue to have the final say in how their countries are run?’



Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


03 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:



I believe in the ideals of global governance and supreme international law

14.3% / 136

I believe countries and communities should be self-governing and the people should always have the final power to veto international treaties a government signs

79.2% / 752

Not sure

6.4% / 61

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 949



Results for ‘8. Do you believe foreigners should be allowed to buy New Zealand houses if their own countries don’t allow New Zealanders to buy homes over there?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


03 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:



Yes, our moral commitment to free investment and free trade requires us to allow foreigners to buy up our properties

15.2% / 142

No, foreign investors can too easily dominate New Zealand’s small market and finite land supply, and there must be controls, especially when we don’t have the same property rights

78.1% / 729

Not sure

6.6% / 62

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 933


Results for ‘9. Do you think prostitution would be better controlled by cracking down on clients like they do in other countries and making it illegal for men to buy sex services from vulnerable women?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


03 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:



Yes, young girls are being lured in by ‘easy money’ but prostitution has long term psychological and health impacts and clients should bear responsibility

23.7% / 219

No, as long as the participants are consenting adults the police should not get involved

53.1% / 490

Yes, but only where it can be proven a woman is vulnerable or there has been any attempted solicitation in a public place

16.5% / 152

Not sure

6.7% / 62

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 923



Results for ’10. If Jacinda Ardern was Labour leader instead of Andrew Little, which party would you vote for if an election were held today?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


03 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:




4.1% / 38

Conservative NZ

4.8% / 44


13.1% / 120


25.4% / 233


0.2% / 2


22.1% / 203

NZ First

19.8% / 182

United Future

0.4% / 4

Not sure

6.4% / 59


3.6% / 33

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 918


Results for ’11. Do you approve or disapprove of the government raising the superannuation age to 67 for people born after 1972?’


Voting Type

Poll ID

Poll Created

Last Updated


Anonymous voting only


07 Mar 2017

15 Mar 2017


Filter by:

Time Frame Results

From: To:  Or:




47.1% / 426


36.4% / 329

Not sure

16.6% / 150

Total votes 08 Mar – 15 Mar: 905

New Homes in Auckland – What’s Involved With Home Renovations?


Home renovation in Auckland is now one of the more popular ways to boost resale values for those who are looking to raise their property value. When you have completed some renovations in your home, it is more appealing and can increase the value of your home drastically. In Auckland there are several companies that will help you with your home renovation needs, and help you save money while at the same time getting the look you want. With a little planning and foresight you can transform the way your home looks and feels.

One of the biggest renovations that are performed in Auckland are bathroom renovations. When people are thinking about renovating their homes, they tend to focus on the rooms they use such as the kitchen and the bathroom. People tend to forget about the most frequently used rooms such as the bedroom, the lounge or even the living room. Bathroom renovations in Auckland need to be planned carefully in order not to destroy the existing flow and style of the room and to also add value.

The most popular type of home renovation in Auckland is the addition of a bathroom. People now see an Auckland house extension as the perfect solution to increase the size of their home. House extensions are often a combination of plumbing, electrical and new flooring. If you are considering a house extension in Auckland then it is advisable to seek the advice of an expert in this field such as a Plumber. They will be able to give you advice on the best solutions for your particular situation.

Remodeling your kitchen is another way to make your home renovation costs go further. People who are making changes to their kitchen spend far too much time focusing on the actual kitchen, forgetting that part of the house is also the centre of the action. It is no good adding expensive marble countertops if you aren’t going to be using them. When it comes to kitchen renovations in Auckland, a simple mix of tile work and new cabinets will be enough to give your kitchen the modern look you are after.

Renovations don’t have to be all about updating your kitchen and bathroom though. Another great way to make your renovation go further is to add a deck or patio. These are both wonderful additions to any home and when they are properly renovated, the results can be truly fantastic. The only problem is that it can be difficult finding a professional contractor who is experienced in renovating decks and patios. If you’re not sure where to start your search for a decking contractor in Auckland, then try a site like House Addition List. This site contains a list of all contractors in the area as well as information on each contractor’s services, so you are able to find one that will fit your needs.

If you don’t want to renovate your home but would still like to change the look of it then you should look into re-cladding it. Home renovation and re-cladding are something that you need to be very careful about, because if you don’t get it right it can cost you a lot of money. You definitely want to hire reliable builders to help you to an area of your home. If you do it yourself, you could end up wasting time and money.

Before you begin renovating any part of your home, it’s important that you consider your budget. You should also set aside a budget per square meter so that you know what your budget is for renovations. The cost of a certain service can fluctuate, depending on whom you contact. You’ll find that it’s more efficient to get a quote from a professional contractor in Auckland than to try and do the work yourself, unless you want to renovate a large area of your home.

Some of the most common renovations include kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations and adding decking and terraces to already existing homes. When you’re doing these kinds of renovations, it’s always helpful to hire an interior designer who will help you come up with some of the best ideas for your home renovations. There are many ways that you can go about getting affordable home renovations in Auckland. You just need to be creative and have some fun while at it!

Best Rhino Tutorials – Digital Cameras


There are many Rhino tutorials available, but the one I have found is the “Rhino Essentials.” This is by far the most complete and in depth set of instructions for using Rhino and I can’t believe it was not included in the “Rhino Essentials DVD.”

The Rhino Essentials DVD has all the information that is required to successfully use a digital camera like a Nikon D90 or Canon 7D. It covers how to operate the camera, shooting, editing, and photo editing. The instruction also covers downloading the software, troubleshooting, and much more.

Once you purchase the DVD, the set is complete. No other Rhino tutorials are necessary for the camera to be used. Just the DVD. The manual is included so it is easy to follow along with the video. It also includes some other helpful tips and tricks for operating the camera.

The DVDs are a great choice to keep on hand in case you run into problems. You never know when a problem may occur and you will have all the information and steps you need right at your fingertips. I have learned a lot by watching and reading the videos. The videos are also an excellent way to learn how to take better pictures.

The Rhino DVDs is priced very reasonably. It is one of the best prices I have seen for any software on the market today. If you really want to master using this digital camera and taking pictures of high quality, I recommend the DVDs.

I purchased a DVD for my son’s first birthday. He did not think it was necessary to have a video set for his first birthday, but the fact that he learned something new about the camera is worth the price.

After I purchased the DVDs, I realized that I needed to get another set because I had bought the DVDs for my daughter. She loves her digital camera and she needs to master taking pictures of high quality. She will want to buy more DVDs once she has mastered all she needs to master the skills.

So, if you are looking for a good way to learn about using this camera, purchase a DVD set. You will not regret it. You will find that learning to use this digital camera and using these instructions on how to take better pictures and create high quality images will bring enjoyment and satisfaction.

If you do not have a child, or if you want to learn how to use your camera before purchasing the DVDs, you can buy a basic manual. There are several online sources that offer a basic manual for under $25. I believe these manuals are just as good as the Rhino DVDs.

There are many resources online that offer videos about Rhino cameras and other digital cameras. The videos are just as good, if not better than the Rhino DVDs. If you want to get a feel for what the video camera is like, you may want to purchase one of the videos.

You can purchase these videos on the internet as well, and most websites offer them for free. The sites are great for learning more about using the cameras and other digital camera equipment. There are some websites that charge a small fee for their help, but there are some that don’t.

You will learn about the features of the digital cameras, how to take better photos and create high quality images. You will also learn how to use the controls and the camera properly.

Once you purchase one of the best Rhino tutorials on digital cameras, you will have an advantage over others. When you take pictures with the best quality, the best pictures, and create high quality images of high quality, you will be glad you made the investment.

Finding Your Perfect Leather Sneakers


Handmade leather shoes are often associated with the notion that it’s a very expensive luxury item, only available to the wealthy and fashionable elite. However, in recent years, many more people have been enthusiasts of handcrafted shoes as well.

Some people still associate handcrafted shoes with designer shoes, but the truth is, there are a number of shoe manufacturers who specialize in both the production of leather sneakers and the handcrafted version of their leather footwear. There are also a number of specialty stores in which you’ll find a variety of different styles of handcrafted designer sneakers.

The great thing about these types of shoes is that they have a very classic look that can easily be paired with all kinds of outfits. Of course, you’ll have to take your own time in choosing your pair of sneakers, but if you are willing to spend some time searching for a quality pair of handcrafted sneakers, you are sure to find one that will suit your tastes and lifestyle.

When you go shopping for a high-end designer or signature leather shoe, make sure that you choose a model that has a well-known maker. While you should certainly shop around, you should do a little bit of homework and try to determine who the best designers in the business are. It may be difficult to discover a high quality designer shoe, but it can be done.

You may not be able to find the high-end designer shoes that you’re looking for, but you can still find a good pair of sneakers for yourself. As long as you spend some time looking for quality pairs of shoes, you’re sure to find something that fits in well with your style. If you find a nice pair of sneakers at an affordable price, you can save a lot of money.

There are a number of designer shoes available that feature both the classic look and a modern look. You can buy a pair of leather sneakers to match any outfit you choose to wear with them. Whether you choose a simple pair of classic style shoes or a pair of shoes that features the latest trends and fashions, you will be able to find the perfect pair of shoes for you when you know where to look.

Designer shoes are not only available to those people who are highly fashionable but also to those who are looking for a comfortable pair of shoes that are durable enough to be worn for a number of hours. If you are not concerned with style, you can purchase a pair of leather shoes that will last for a long period of time.

You may be surprised to know that there are a number of different types of leather sneakers on the market today. One of the most popular kinds of sneakers today is leather sandals. While you can find these shoes in a variety of colors and styles, you can also get them in various patterns, such as stripes and prints.

Of course, leather sneakers aren’t the only type of shoes that you can purchase for your feet. Other types of footwear also have come into fashion over the last few years, including rubber, synthetic materials, and even leather materials that are designed to be water resistant. No matter what you are looking for, there is sure to be a pair that fits in perfectly with your tastes.

When you are buying shoes online, be sure to check out all of the options that are available. Many people use the internet to help them locate a designer pair of shoes, but if you don’t know exactly what type of shoes you want to get, you may end up being disappointed.

In addition to shopping online, there are also a number of local stores that carry many of the top designers in the industry. They may have a wider selection and be able to help you find a pair of sneakers for you to enjoy for a longer period of time.

If you are searching for a pair of leather sneakers for your kids, you can go to your local mall and ask for help from the staff. A professional shopper will be able to point you in the right direction.

Roof Cleaning Auckland


Roof Cleaning Auckland has been cleaning roofs for residential and commercial properties in Auckland, New Zealand since 1978. Why should you regularly clean your roof? Remove unwanted organisms that cause yellowing of the roof surface such as algae, lichen and moss that will also damage the roof over time.

In more severe cases your insurer may also cancel your policy. This is because it is possible that you have an algae growing problem on your roof.

Yellowing of the roof is caused by algae growing on the roof. As the algae grows the yellowed areas will darken as the algae consumes the nutrients in the air and water, turning the roof to a grey or black colour.

If you want to prevent algae from growing on your property you must regularly clean it. You need to check the quality of the roof, especially the wood and metal parts to ensure that they are in good condition.

When cleaning the roof, you should be using a good quality sealant which is applied by spraying it onto the roof at night, then vacuuming up the sealant before you go to bed the next morning. Sealant also stops the growth of algae and can be used over a period of months.

To apply a good quality sealant, you should first clean the roof, making sure that there is no dirt or debris on the roof surface. Next you should apply the sealant onto the roof, being careful to ensure that all surfaces of the sealant are covered. The sealant should stay in place for six hours and is then vacuumed up. This ensures that the sealant stays on the roof for the full duration of the cleaning procedure.

In addition to applying good quality sealant you should also thoroughly clean the roof on both sides of your house using warm soapy water to remove any debris that is left behind. When the cleaning process is complete, you should cover the roof surface with a tarpaulin covering it to keep any rainwater out of the property, again ensuring that the sealant remains in place.

It is important that your roof is cleaned and maintained from high wind exposure. which will result in the building absorbing moisture, which can cause damage to the structure of the roof over time.

Regular cleaning of the roof will help to keep it looking new for many years, reducing the risk of structural damage. Once your roof is cleaned and maintained regularly the cost of roof cleaning can become much cheaper than you may imagine.

Roof cleaning Auckland is relatively easy to do. However it is important that you do not over-clean your roof. Over-cleaning will cause a lot of damage. Instead you should clean your roof once or twice a year and use a good quality sealant as recommended by your local roofing company.

There are many companies available for you to contact in order to get your roof cleaned. These companies provide a variety of roof cleaning products and services, including roof cleaning Auckland. New Zealand.

Cleaning your roof will help to protect the integrity of your property and ensure that it will last longer. Also the roof will reduce the risk of leaking of gas and electricity.

If you would like to learn more about roof cleaning Auckland. NZ then there are a number of resources available to you online.

There are several websites that provide detailed information about the best roof cleaning services available. These websites provide customers with detailed information regarding the best roof cleaning Auckland NZ offers. You will also find customer testimonials on the website.

The website provides customers with an interactive tool where they can enter their roof details to find out how much it is going to cost them. Then they can then enter what type of roof they have in order to find out how quickly they should expect the roof to be cleaned. For example, whether they should use a high pressure cleaning agent or a light duty cleaning agent.

A final option on the website to help you find roof cleaning Auckland New Zealand is a search engine where you will find a large database of roofs available. You can search for roof types in Auckland including residential, commercial, industrial and custom, then browse the results until you find the best option for your needs.